When putting it together though, I realised that this doesn't seem to be enough to make an average length opening, my rough cut is about 11 seconds, whilst a children's TV drama is about 30 - 40 seconds long. I think this was because and when looking at my rough cut you can see, that I seemed to have concentrated a lot on sophie's part of the opening, it is at the length that each of the characters should have, but Amber and Helen's parts are a lot shorter, especially Helen's. This is my fault, as I made the movements a lot more drastic than slowly getting to where they need to be, therefore making it a lot shorter. I also think that if I had more objects to move in Helen's shot, I would have therefore more duration, so when doing my final cut, I need to make more shapes to be added where can be fitted in the shot.
Additionally, I am going to add another female character in my piece from a different cultural background, this will add more time to my piece and will branch out more to a wider target audience. I also did not add the titles into my rough cut, meaning the actual title and that it was created by me. This is because I am indecisive about whether to add the titles in from after effects on the mac, or to make my own titles to the theme of my opening. I think making my own would be better for my piece. I think also, I need to make sure the quality of camera I use is good enough, as when looking at my rough cut in full screen, the quality becomes blurry, although this happened in the editing process, before this the quality was fine, but camera change might avoid this problem.
Overall I am happy with my rough cut and I have learnt a lot from it in terms of knowing what improvements I need to make from it to make my final piece the best I can make it.